Rekindle romance
Enliven your sensual connection
Develop skills to last a lifetime
Have more fun together
Choose love every day
Transform difficult emotions
Communicate more lovingly & effectively
Create a win-win relationship
Deepening in Love
February 8-15, 2025
Mar de Jade Retreat Center
Chacala, Mexico
An advanced vacation-retreat for committed couples with good basic skills. Develop greater mastery, explore new possibilities, sensuality, play and celebration. Co-create a vision for the next cycle of your lives and relationship.

Private Couples Retreats
Sometimes a group retreat does not feel like the right step. Judith offers a limited number of private retreats in Boulder CO. She also offers in-person follow-up to couples who have previously attended a retreat. Each private retreat is custom designed to meet your needs.
Please contact us for more info: programs@sacredunion.com